Yesterday, I went to the Old West Days Festival, just to check it out a bit. It was a little odd at first, the first thing I heard was gunshots. That was from the gunfight reenactment which I missed completely.
One of the first things I saw was a Avon booth, an inflatable bull ride thing for kids only and one of these signs. It does seem a little ironic for a West festival to not allow guns, especially with the shooting ranges. There were two of them, one was a little more child friendly.
It’s one of those ones where if you it the target it moves and does something funny. That sign on the piano the says no flashes is serious. The woman who ran the thing told me that it’s light activated so a camera flash would cause the gallery to short out. Tempting as it was to see that out of curiosity, I’d hate to be the one to ruin the kids fun by breaking the shooting gallery.
By the way, I saw this saw next the booth and thought it was the cutest thing. I assume it was suppose to hang in front, but it was just sitting there. I think it’d be cool if they made stickers of it or something but that’s just my opinion.
Like any good festival, there was plenty of options for food, including this one that featured old time camp out grub. When I first saw it, I thought they were an antique shop. Love the pink parasol.
Can’t forget the Kettle corn, another staple. The stand for it was shaped like a covered wagon, goes with the theme, right?
Luckily for me, since I missed the reenactment, there were plenty a people in costume. I heard there was supposed to be a contest of some sort, but I didn’t see anything about. I wonder who won.
And the most important part of any festival, the port-a-potty. It may be smelly, but it shouldn’t be overlooked, especially with all the campfire chili and fiber loaded popcorn. I think it would have been funny if these were decorated to match the “Old West” theme too. Maybe next year. I also thought this photo would make an interesting greeting card. What would it say, any ideas? Anyway, it was a fun trip and maybe next year it’ll be even better.